Country: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Cashew and Monitoring & Evaluation
Donor: USDA
Duration: November 2024 - February 2025
The PRO-Cashew project, a five-year initiative (2019-2024), aimed to enhance productivity and market access for cashew producers in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria. The project focused on strengthening the capacities of cashew producers, creating incentives for farm renovation and rehabilitation, improving production quality, and fostering a more competitive West African raw cashew nut (RCN) sector for the international market.
After successfully completing the baseline and midterm evaluations, Agramondis has been tasked with conducting the end-line evaluation. For this final phase, Agramondis will carry out a detailed and systematic assessment to evaluate the project's overall impact and effectiveness. We will design methodologies tailored to this stage, ensuring a comprehensive data collection approach. Our team will develop and implement tools such as surveys, focus group discussions (FGDs) with cashew farmers, and key informant interviews (KIIs) with relevant stakeholders, including producers, project staff, across the five countries as well as international partners like CNFA and USDA. The evaluation will include a thorough review of the project’s performance indicators, focusing on the successes and challenges of its implementation. We will then compile these findings into a detailed report, offering actionable recommendations to refine future interventions and enhance the project’s sustainability, and the continued growth and competitiveness of the cashew sector in West Africa.
Country: Indonesia
Fields/Sectors: Cocoa
Client: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Duration: June – November 2024
The evaluation aims to determine the sustained impact of the Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP) in Indonesia, four years after its conclusion, by assessing whether the program's outcomes continue to benefit the targeted cocoa farmers and sector actors. Agramondis is conducting a detailed desk study of all relevant project documents and external data, analyzing the information to establish a strong basis for the evaluation. We are re-measuring outcome and impact indicators through quantitative data collection, ensuring that the data accurately reflects the current situation and allows for meaningful comparisons with past data. Additionally, Agramondis is carrying out qualitative data collection by interviewing key informants and facilitating focus group discussions and surveys with cocoa farmer who participated in the program. We are developing an evaluation matrix that links evaluation questions with data sources, collection methods, and analysis procedures, ensuring a systematic approach to drawing conclusions. Agramondis is also employing Contribution Analysis to assess the program's impact on observed outcomes and completing the SECO assessment grid for the relevant DAC criteria, ensuring a thorough and methodologically rigorous evaluation.
Country: Bangladesh, Benin, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda
Fields/Sectors: Nutritious Foods
Client: The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Duration: May – July 2024
The Rapid Assessment of Opportunities for Repurposing Waste Products into Nutritious Foods aimed to explore how food companies can transform waste products into affordable, nutritious options for lower-income consumers, considering both global and country-specific contexts for GAIN. Agramondis developed the research questions and methodology to ensure a thorough approach. The team conducted a review of existing literature, interviewed key informants across all GAIN countries (Bangladesh, Benin, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda), and analyzed secondary data to identify suitable waste products for repurposing. Agramondis also prepared the final report, incorporating GAIN's feedback and ensuring all data and recommendations were thoroughly documented and referenced.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Agri-finance
Client: The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
Duration: April - May 2024
The Commercializing Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusinesses (CASA) project in Nigeria, led by TechnoServe, aims to strengthen agricultural investment by addressing systemic barriers and building a pipeline of investment-ready businesses, particularly within the "missing middle" segment (i.e., businesses requiring 0.5-5 million USD in investment). For this initiative, Agramondis supported the TechnoServe team by identifying and matching agribusinesses with relevant opportunities for potential funding sources and technical assistance. Additionally, Agramondis profiled and segmented these agribusinesses based on business size, value chain involvement, growth pathways, and the volume of raw commodities sourced from smallholder farmers. This detailed segmentation enabled the TechnoServe team to provide targeted support from partners, enhancing the project's overall impact. Furthermore, we established connections with potential investors, including commercial banks, microfinance institutions, and impact investors for the project in Nigeria.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Agricultural Produce
Donor: L’Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Duration: April – August 2024
Lot 3 of the project aimed to conduct a detailed analysis of three representative markets in Nigeria to identify and improve local agri-logistics challenges and market efficiencies. By analyzing these markets, the project sought to develop concrete recommendations for their improvement and establish a model that can be replicated in other markets across the country.
For Lot 3, Agramondis conducted a comprehensive analysis of three markets—Yanlemo in Kano, Bodija in Ibadan, and Relief in Owerri—selected based on insights from Lot 1. We evaluated each market’s ecosystem, including seller and buyer demographics, types of sales, product ranges, governance, infrastructure, and operational aspects. Additionally, we assessed connectivity and traffic, focusing on transport links between production areas and cities, vehicle fleets, and traffic conditions. We also examined the urban ecosystem, emphasizing logistics and industrial areas, sales locations, and their alignment with urban planning. In collaboration with Sofreco and SEMMARIS Head of Project, Agramondis developed targeted recommendations for market improvements in areas such as localization, governance, management, operations, and infrastructure. We provided an interim report, a final revised report incorporating stakeholder feedback, and a PowerPoint presentation detailing the study's findings.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Cocoa
Client: Anker Research Institute (ARI)
Duration: November – December 2023
We conducted an Anker Living Income Benchmark study in the cocoa-growing areas of Benue and Cross Rivers States in Nigeria, to gather comprehensive data on food prices, housing rentals, medical services, and other living costs. Agramondis played a key role by designing the survey's sample and logistics, training field interviewers, and managing data collection. This included managing quality control, provided progress reports, and handled the digitalization and coding of the data for analysis.
Country: Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa
Fields/Sectors: Cocoa, Sorghum, Shea, and Dairy
Donor: Confidential Client
Duration: October 2023 - ongoing
The client has engaged the services of Agramondis to develop bi-weekly market and price reporting systems for four commodities: fresh milk (South Africa), cocoa (Nigeria), sorghum (Nigeria) and shea (Ghana). Agramondis has developed informant networks for the market and price reporting across the four commodities, which is supported by alerts of important events or news. The reporting process involves collecting market information from key informants, such as farmers, farm advisors, farmer representatives, traders, and observed news insights.
Agramondis categorizes the market intelligence of fresh milk in key production regions in South Africa from farmers/first level milk processors to prices of milk against the quality and price forecasts. The market intelligence in the cocoa and sorghum supply chain in Nigeria and shea in Ghana tracks the supply and demand volumes, harvested amounts, purchases, farm-gate and trader prices, and other factors that may impact current or future market developments.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Livestock
Donor: World Bank
Duration: October 2023 – June 2024
The Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project (LPRES) aims to strengthen the institutional and innovation system in the various livestock value chains in Nigeria and improve social cohesion between herders and farmers. The goal is to support practical and local-specific climate-smart investments in the livestock sector across the geopolitical zones of the country.
For this project, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the climate risks and vulnerabilities in Nigeria's livestock sector, with a focus on cattle (beef, dairy, leather), poultry (egg, meat), pig, sheep, and goat value chains. In addition, we assessed catalysts for the deployment of evidence-based digital climate advisory services and evaluated existing climate-smart digital agriculture solutions for scalability in Nigeria while considering the local reality of smallholder livestock farmers.
Our findings and insights were compiled into a report to support the different stakeholders in the technical implementation of the project. Also, we facilitated a validation workshop and capacity building session with key stakeholders in the livestock sector in Nigeria.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Agricultural Produce
Donor: L’Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Duration: July 2023 – May 2024
The Semmaris project aims to develop a strategic plan for the development of modern wholesale markets to feed the cities and structure the food value chain in the country's 8 largest cities which are Lagos, Ibadan, Ogun, Kano, Kaduna, Onitsha, Owerri, and Port Harcourt. The goal is to achieve a sustainable improvement of fresh produce distribution systems comprising fruits, vegetables, and animal products. This will be attained by reducing the production losses, logistics costs, road traffic, and food prices for consumers around major cities. Also, it aims to increase food security and safety, producer incomes and Job creation. For the project, we will conduct reviews of existing literatures, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with relevant actors and stakeholders in the market value chain within the corridors (Ibadan-Ogun-Lagos, Kano-Kaduna, Onitsha-Owerri-Port Harcourt). A report will be drafted from our findings at the end of the project and strategic recommendations will be made to the different stakeholders on market location, governance, management, operations, and infrastructure for structuring the supply of fresh produce.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Biofortification, Business Support, Workforce Nutrition, Market Demand, Malnutrition
Donor/Client: GAIN
Duration: 2021-2023
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) began the Strengthening Nutrition in Priority Staples (SNiPS) project seeking to promote the consumption of nutritional varieties of staple value crops among consumers. Deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals contribute to detrimental health outcomes. In Nigeria, Vitamin A deficiency is particularly widespread. The project will encourage farmers and workers within these value chains to adopt diverse, nutritious diets. Biofortified Vitamin A varieties of cassava, maize, and Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato cultivation and consumption will be promoted in Oyo, Kaduna, and Benue, respectively. We conducted a process evaluation to establish baseline project deliverables and provide updated recommendations regarding future program implementation.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Agroforestry
Donor/Client: Abuja Technology Village (ATV)
Duration: 2022 – 2023
The Abuja Technology Village (ATV), formally known as Abuja Technology Village Science and Technology Park (STP) and Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is in the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja), Nigeria. In a bid to offer a balanced lifestyle environment for business operations with competitive advantage, ATV set out to reforest its perimeter buffer, streets, semi-natural areas, and forests. It plans to offer outsiders end eventually resident companies the opportunity to compensate for emissions by planting trees on its site. Agramondis developed a concept note for the tree planting programme with technical implementation support during the program.
Country: Côte d’Ivoire
Fields/Sectors: Greenhouse Gases, Sustainable Agriculture
Donor/Client: Rainforest Alliance
Duration: December 2022 – April 2023
The goal of this project was to construct a farm typology using management data collected from certified cocoa and coffee plantations in Côte d’Ivoire, and determine patterns and relationships between different production systems, good agricultural practice adoption, and carbon emissions and sequestration.
Country: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Cashew and Monitoring & Evaluation
Donor: USDA
Duration: November 2022 – April 2023
The PRO-Cashew is a five-year (2019-2024) project which aims to support cashew producers in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria to improve productivity and improve access to market. The project will strengthen cashew producer capacities as well as develop incentives to renovate and rehabilitate cashew farms, improve production and quality and create a more competitive West African RCN for the international market. For this project, we designed the midterm evaluation methodologies and data collection approaches and developed the data collection tools. We conducted farmer surveys, FGDs, KIIs with relevant stakeholders in the cashew sector as well as CNFA, PRO-Cashew and USDA staff. As part of the evaluation, we reviewed the performance indicators of the project to evaluate the implementation progress. Finally, developed a report and provided recommendations for adjustments to interventions and implementation approaches for the PRO-Cashew Project.
Country: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Cashew processing, Environmental Impact Assessment
Donor: USDA
Duration: November 2022 - February 2023
Prosper Cashew is a five-year project aiming to strengthen the cashew processing sector in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria. The goal of the program is to ensure that 15% of domestic raw cashew nuts (RCNs) production in West Africa is processed into kernels prior to export by 2025. The long-term goal of the project is to increase the local processing capacity to 50%. We quantified the environmental impact of Prosper Cashew initiative, focusing on the effects associated with increased production and processing infrastructure. On the other hand, because shipping RCNs abroad generates greenhouse gases, we assessed the extent to which an increase in domestic processing capacity will reduce transport-related greenhouse gas emissions.
Country: Nigeria (Enugu)
Fields/Sectors: Livestock, broiler chicken
Donor/Client: VIRCO Agricultural Group’s - VILCO TenderCuts Retail Limited (VTC)
Duration: October 2022 - December 2022
The study focused on a detailed analysis of establishing and running an integrated broiler farm in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria. The goal was to develop a technical and financial feasibility plan to position the business for scale, cost-efficiency, and sustainability in the long-term. Three primary sources of revenue were identified based on market opportunities and strategic positioning in the value chain: Day old chicks (DOCs), frozen broiler chicken, and chicken feed. Several risks associated with the operations were analysed and mitigation strategies recommended.
Country: Ukraine
Fields/Sectors: Dairy and Organic agriculture
Donor: The Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO)
Duration: October 2022 - December 2022
The aim of the project was to provide a short, strategy-oriented – forward looking - input which focuses on the current situation and its implications for SECO’s portfolio in Ukraine (including Quality Food Trade Program - QFTP and Organic Trade 4 Development - OT4D). This includes an outside view of the current state of the organic and dairy sub-sectors in Ukraine. We carried out an assessment of the potential the organic and dairy sub-sectors hold for economic development and recovery in a likely context of protracted armed conflict in parts of the country and critically reviewed the arguments underpinning SECO’s investment in organic agriculture. We provided a set of recommendations regarding whether SECO should continue providing support to organic agriculture and dairy, just one of them, or rather increase investment in other sectors (e.g., conventional agriculture or a completely different sector).
Country: Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo
Fields/Sectors: Organic Crops, Supply Chain
Duration: July 2022 - December 2022
The objective of this project was to analyse the soybeans value chain in Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo, and highlight relevant aspects needed to establish a profitable export supply chain of organic soybeans from these countries. We gathered information from reliable online databases, journal articles and publications. We also conducted Key Informant Interviews with industry experts, soybean producers, processors, and exporters in the four countries. Amongst other findings, we identified and prioritised potential new sourcing markets in the target countries and developed a market entry strategy for our client.
Country: Kenya
Fields/Sectors: Horticulture
Donor: European Union via COLEACP’s NExT Kenya programme
Duration: June 2022 - December 2022
This project aimed to estimate the carbon footprint of VegPro, one of Kenya’s largest horticultural production and exporting companies, and provide practical recommendations on how to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emanating from its operations. A carbon inventory including four GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), was developed using data collected directly from VegPro’s facilities across Kenya. The inventory is a complete and accurate evaluation of GHG emissions that can be both directly and indirectly attributed to VegPro in 2021. Our approach for estimating carbon emissions from VegPro’s operations consisted of three steps: Data collection, categorisation, and analysis. We followed the GHG protocol Agricultural Guidance standard and conducted supplementary research into published emission factors and their specificity in terms of geographic location and type of activity.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Food Security, Rural women and Social Cohesion
Duration: September 2022
Agramondis provided research support to RET Germany for the development of a potential project by profiling the food security and conflict situation in the Middle Belt area of Nigeria. Consequently, commodities with high-value chains such as rice, cassava, wheat and maize were examined based on their potential to provide multiple effects of an increase in food security, income and storage. The study also reviewed past and ongoing projects that were related to food security and social cohesion to identify gaps and build on good practices for the prospective project. To ensure proper targeting of the grassroots, the study provided a direction for the engagement of vulnerable groups such as women, youth, displaced people, returnees of conflict/climate change, smallholder farmers and processors. Critical and sustainable intervention activities in food security and social cohesion were identified for the vulnerable groups.
Country: Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Tanzania
Fields/Sectors: Food & Nutrition
Donor/Partners: GAIN/HarvestPlus
Duration: January 2022 - November 2022
The project aimed to refine the country specific strategies in the development of product standards, commercialization of processed biofortified foods as well as understanding the contribution of such foods to micronutrient intake which could significantly reduce the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in the six countries. The main objective was to develop a catalogue and nutrient profiles of the most widely available biofortified processed foods in the selected countries. Agramondis conducted the study to assess and identify the processed food products available on the market that contain the biofortified crops as ingredients in the six countries.
Countries: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Solar, Sustainability
Duration: Nov 2021
The Earthshot Prize is a new global prize for the environment, designed to incentivise change and help to repair our planet over the next ten years. The Earthshot Prize is awarded by the Royal Foundation to five winners each year for their contributions to environmentalism. It was first awarded in 2021 and is planned to run annually until 2030. Agramondis conducted a scoping visit for one of the finalists for the sustainability prize to assess their business and operations in Nigeria.
Country: Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Zambia
Fields/Sectors: Agri-finance, Rural women
Donor: World Bank Group
Duration: August 2021 – September 2022
The in-depth diagnostic study aimed to better understand the knowledge gap between rural women’s SME insurance needs and insurance product offerings currently available within these three target markets. This was in order to develop and roll out suitable sustainable solutions in partnership with the local insurance industry that directly respond to these needs when designing and implementing future insurance schemes. FGDs, KIIs and other secondary data were administered, taking into consideration different insurance development stages and market environments to reveal individual characteristics as well as provided guidance on country-specific next steps.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Climate Smart Agriculture and Agri-finance
Donor: IFC
Duration: July 2021 - June 2022
The project aimed to assess climate-smart agri-financing gaps in Nigeria and the existing climate-smart technologies and practices aiding mitigation and adaptation in the agriculture sector. Funded by IFC and executed in collaboration with UNIQUE, this project involved evaluating the capacity, geographical coverage and business models of leading and potential CSA technology providers as well as the overall lending environment for climate-smart agriculture in Nigeria. Further, we interviewed a variety of stakeholders, mapping out key risks and opportunities in selected commodity supply chains and constructed cost-benefit models, both on-farm and in the supply chain. .
Countries: Kenya
Fields/Sectors: Standards and Certification, Fruits and Vegetables
Donor: COLEACP/European Union
Duration: July 2021 - January 2022
Agramondis was appointed by COLEACP to develop the National Interpretation Guideline for Kenya Standard (KS) 1758-2:2016 on Fruits and Vegetables. KS 1758 layed out the national requirements for the horticultural sector in Kenya, covering such diverse topics as food safety and traceability, sustainable production, health and safety and labour rights. It was prepared by the Horticultural Fresh Produce Technical Committee under the guidance of the Standards Projects Committee, and it is in accordance with the procedures of the Kenya Bureau of Standards. The Interpretation Guideline will help auditors implement the standard in the field.
Countries: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Fresh Fruits, Supply Chain Assessment
Duration: July 2021 - November 2021
The project aimed to support a fruit processing company based in Lagos, Nigeria to conduct an assessment of the company’s capacity concerning the implementation of its sourcing strategy and meeting short and long-term procurement needs. It also provided a general action plan with milestones towards the implementation of a relevant sourcing scheme.
Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali
Fields/Sectors: Development of Market Information Systems
Donor: AGRA
Duration: March 2021 - July 2022
The project aimed at strengthening data collection, forecasting and monitoring of food security situation and policies at country level through the development of an agile Market Information System in East, Southern and West Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this project, we collected food price, production and stocks, and trade information as well as the analysis of market data, forecasting of food prices and stocks for selected key food crops/products, documentation of evidence of impacts of changes in food prices and the development and regular updating of food price, stock, and trade information portal.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Endline Evaluation for Business Women Connect (BWC)
Donor: ExxonMobil Foundation
Duration: Feb 2021 - June 2021
The Endline Evaluation aimed to assess the extent to which the Business Women Connect (BWC) Nigeria project has achieved its expected impact and outcomes as outlined in the results framework with focus on gender concerns in line with the TechnoServe Gender Policy. For this project, we conducted farmer survey, FGDs, KIIs with relevant stakeholders, quantitative and qualitative analysis of data gathered across Jigawa, Kaduna and Kano states.
Countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Cashew, Evaluation, Monitoring & Evaluation
Donor: USDA
Duration: Nov 2020 - Jan 2021
The PRO-Cashew project aimed to support cashew farmers in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria to improve productivity and improve access to market over five years. For this project, we conducted farmer survey, FGDs, KIIs with relevant stakeholders in the cashew sector, quantitative and qualitative analysis of data gathered across the five countries.
Countries: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda and Tanzania
Fields/Sectors: Food Security and Nutritious Value Chain
Donors/Partners: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Duration: Oct 2020 - May 2021
The project aimed at understanding the nutritious food value chains and agri-SMEs through the monitoring and documentation of market dynamics, supply chains trends and shifting consumer perceptions in the light of COVID-19. The ultimate aim was to provide targeted support to core food systems, workers, and markets during the COVID-19 emergency. For this project, we developed Global, Nigeria and Kenya reports every two months for six months (three reports per category) using mainly secondary data as well as KIIs with food SMEs.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: Agric Mechanization
Donor/Partners: Propcom Mai-karfi, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
Duration: Oct 2020 - Jan 2021
Nationwide value chain analysis in support of the agricultural mechanization business development component of Propcom Mai-karfi, a rural and agricultural markets development programme funded by the UK government and implemented by Palladium. The aim of the study was to increase incomes for the rural poor by reviving and facilitating access to agricultural and rural markets in nine locations in Northern Nigeria; including the six post-conflict North-East states.
Region: West Africa
Field/Sector: Cocoa
Donor: NERC
Duration: March 2020 - March 2021
PACY (Predicting African Cocoa Yield) was a design sprint-inspired innovation project that aimed to revolutionize and democratize cocoa production forecasting across West Africa. The motivation was to harness the best science and technology - from remote sensing and micro sensor technology to machine learning and advanced crop modeling - to generate cocoa forecasts that are accurate, accessible, and affordable.
For this project, we worked in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, Cocoa industry players and technology solutions providers. The project resulted in collaboration agreement between the University of Edinburgh and Tropical Research Services (TRS), to use data assets of TRS from decades of pod counting to develop and improve models.
Country: Global
Fields/Sectors: Greenhouse Gases, Sustainable Agriculture, Marketing, Communications
Duration: March 2020
We support membership with news and communication about biodiversity, climate change, and sustainable agriculture. The CFA is an organization with a mission to enable millions of growers globally to make more informed on-farm decisions that reduce their environmental impact. This is made possible with a digital tool called the Cool Farm Tool which is a web-based, greenhouse gas, water, and bio-diversity calculator that is credible, science-based, standardized, and user-friendly.
Country: Nigeria
Fields/Sectors: AgTech, Agriculture
Donor: DFID
Duration: Feb 2020 - March 2020
The Diagnostic Study aimed to properly understand the policy framework for AgTech companies in Southern Nigeria, including barriers and opportunities. For this project, we conducted FGDs in Lagos and River states with over 200 participants and KIIs with relevant stakeholders in the Agtech space across the country.
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